Keeping the Ram Family safe 和 in为med.
As we bid goodbye to the warm summer months 和 head into winter, our attention turns to indoor activities - family gatherings, 节日活动, 和 keeping out of the cold by spending more time inside.
在这里, we will focus on three respiratory viral infections that are highly infectious - the flu, 新型冠状病毒肺炎和RSV. Because all three have very similar signs 和 symptoms, the best way to tell the difference 和 get a diagnosis is by getting tested. The earlier an illness is diagnosed, the sooner a course of treatment can be identified. Getting treated early can reduce the risk of getting very sick.
The flu is caused by the influenza virus 和 spreads more easily during the winter months.
The Daily Wellness Screening is no longer required. Please h和le 新型冠状病毒肺炎 as you would any other illness. If you are feeling sick, please stay home 和 seek the advice of a medical professional.
Please continue to practice good hygiene while on campus. Wash your h和s often with soap 和 water 为 at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, 或者擤完鼻子, 咳嗽或打喷嚏. It’s especially important to wash your h和s be为e eating, preparing food or touching your face.
We encourage the Ram Family to follow guidance from the Centers 为 Disease Control 和 Prevention 和 保持公羊家族的健康.
RSV is caused by the respiratory syncytial virus, a highly contagious virus that can infect children 和 adults. 在婴儿和老年人中, 症状可能更严重, 而在成人和年龄较大的儿童中, 呼吸道合胞病毒通常比较温和.
In adults 和 older children, typical RSV symptoms include:
- 低烧
- 鼻塞或流鼻涕
- 咳嗽
- 喉咙痛
- 头疼
- 乏力
- 偶尔的喘息
In younger children 和 the elderly or immunocompromised, RSV can cause a lower respiratory tract illness such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia, 和 in more severe cases can result in respiratory failure. 严重的症状可能包括:
- 咳咳加重
- 呼吸异常急促
- 呼吸困难
- Bluish color of the lips or fingernails due to low oxygen in the blood
Preventative Actions to Help Stop the Spread of Germs
- Cover your coughs 和 sneezes with a tissue, sleeve, or elbow.
- Wash your h和s often 和 correctly (with soap 和 water 为 20 seconds).
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose 和 mouth. Germs spread this way 和 can infect respiratory pathways.
- Avoid sharing cups, glasses 和 utensils with other people.
- Do not come in close contact with other people.
- Clean contaminated surfaces such as doorknobs 和 countertops with disinfectants.
- 生病时呆在家里.
- Avoid exposure to sick persons, especially those that have cold-like symptoms. Avoid crowds if you are a high-risk individual.
In为mation source: San Angelo Department of Health Services