

通过mg电子试玩mg电子试玩, 研究的机会, 真实世界的体验和独特的设施, 您将受到启发,加入下一代创新的科学家和工程师.




Computer Science





物理学助理教授. 迈克尔·霍尔科姆陪同一群学生来到美国物理学会德克萨斯州分会...


Titled “The Scene,“mg电子试玩的时事通讯突出了学生的成就, faculty, 科学与工程学院的工作人员和项目.



来自Hunter Strain工程实验室, 安吉洛州立自然历史收藏馆和新mg电子试玩温室,000英亩MIR中心/mg电子试玩牧场, mg电子试玩的科学和工程设施是首屈一指的. 这些只是你将在你选择的领域获得宝贵实践经验的一些设施.


PIER Program

mg电子试玩监督激励之路, 充实和招聘(PIER)计划,提供直接接触科学, technology, 为中学和大学中代表性不足的学生提供工程和数学(STEM)领域. 这一举措对于改善西德克萨斯州STEM学生的招聘和保留至关重要.

  • “The engineering department is committed to graduating practice-ready engineers who have been given every opportunity to practice their technical training and develop the broader skills needed to apply that training in the workplace. 到我毕业的时候, 当时我已经在我选择的领域里做土木工程师,并收到了毕业后留在公司的工作邀请.”

    Caleb Miller, Class of 2018, Civil Engineering

  • “I found that my educational base allowed me to easily excel in my doctoral studies.”

    Dr. J. Warren Brasher, Class of 1995, Biology

  • “The Angelo State Agriculture Department provided me with a multitude of opportunities to seek out potential careers and a great education.”

    Corey Owens, Senior Instructor/Research Associate, Department of Agriculture, Class of 2005 and 2007

  • “ASU can provide you with a great education and learning environment over a broad spectrum of professional career fields, it can also help you achieve your goals and succeed in your professional endeavors. It certainly did for me.”

    Dr. J. Warren Brasher, Class of 1995, Biology

  • “ASU did an excellent job of providing me the educational base needed to prepare me for my next degree.”

    Dr. J. Warren Brasher, Class of 1995, Biology

  • “I only applied to one college, was accepted, 毕业于mg电子试玩,获得了应用物理学学位. 我很自豪地告诉人们,mg电子试玩现在有一个很棒的工程项目.”

    Travis Barnett, CEO, Centerline Engineering & Consulting, Class of 2012

  • “The Ag Department at ASU offers hands-on learning experiences that cannot be duplicated in a classroom alone.”

    Corey Owens, Senior Instructor/Research Associate, Department of Agriculture, Class of 2005 and 2007

  • “The MIR Center/University Ranch is where the rubber meets the road for an Ag major. Here, you get to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom in a real-world setting.”

    Corey Owens, Senior Instructor/Research Associate, Department of Agriculture, Class of 2005 and 2007

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